News 2021
For some Greenlanders, eating sugar is healthy
2021.12.22 -
Years later, restored wetlands remain a shadow of their old selves
2021.12.20 -
Danish researchers discover new hiding place for antibiotic resistance
2021.12.16 -
Comment on Reuters report
2021.12.01 -
Widespread vaginal condition could lead to emergency caesarean section
2021.12.01 -
Whales eat more than expected. And that’s why we need more of them
2021.11.15 -
Independent Research Fund Denmark: Inge Lehmann grant to Henriette Autzen
2021.11.10 -
DNA from Sitting Bull’s hair confirms kinship with descendants
2021.10.27 -
Large NNF Data Science Investigator grant for researcher at BIO
2021.10.01 -
Villum Synergy grant for BIO-researcher
2021.09.22 -
BIO-researcher part of new international NNF bridgehead center
2021.09.15 -
Villum Experiment millions to Anders Garm
2021.09.14 -
Fruit fly metabolism could pave the way for new obesity and diabetes drugs
2021.09.09 -
Indirect effects of climate change reduce nitrogen fixation in the Subarctic
2021.08.05 -
Research expedition to the Central Arctic Ocean
2021.07.16 -
Eye diseases caused by errors in small antennae of cells
2021.07.15 -
A globally important microbial process hidden on marine particles
2021.06.23 -
Parrot talk
2021.06.16 -
Fungal spores from 250-year-old collections given new lease of life
2021.06.14 -
The European heritage of the Greenlandic people
2021.05.25 -
The diploid genome assemblies in marmoset shows huge variations
2021.04.28 -
Beetles that pee themselves to death could be tomorrow’s pest control
2021.04.19 -
The Trouble of Being Tall
2021.03.17 -
A Cat of All Trades
2021.02.25 -
We’re more like primitive fishes than once believed
2021.02.04 -
How Earth’s oddest mammal got to be so bizarre
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