News 2022
Grants from the Novo Nordisk Foundation autumn 2022
2022.12.21 -
Human empathy makes us better at understanding animal sounds
2022.12.20 -
Learning how to grow super mushrooms, with termites as teachers
2022.12.01 -
Earth’s many new lakes
2022.11.28 -
ERC Starting Grant for Jakob Grunnet Knudsen
2022.11.22 -
Social media at its best...
2022.11.09 -
The beginning of the end of unbridled sugar cravings?
2022.11.08 -
Postdoc from the Department of Biology receives VILLUM International Postdoc grant
2022.11.03 -
Wild ideas thrive at the Department of Biology
2022.09.08 -
Warring genetic parasites could lead to new defenses against dangerous bacteria
2022.08.30 -
What controls nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria on mosses?
2022.06.11 -
What is going on in the coral food web?
2022.06.07 -
Professor Riikka Rinnan is in final contract negotiations with Danish National Research Foundation
2022.06.07 -
A novel way how bacteria block the host cells immune-defense
2022.05.30 -
Researchers identify ancient bird behind giant eggs from Down Under
2022.05.29 -
Two Professorial Inaugural Lectures
2022.05.09 -
Celebration of August Krogh Nobel Prize 1920
2022.04.20 -
Pig grunts reveal their emotions
2022.03.07 -
Well-functioning fat may be the key to fewer old-age ailments
2022.02.17 -
Researchers gain a unique view of the inner life of cells
2022.02.07 -
Josefin Stiller receives Villum Young Investigator
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