Using Margalef’s vision to understand the current aquatic microbial ecology

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  • Ana Rocio Borrero-Santiago
  • Dellisanti, Walter
  • Andrés Sánchez-Quinto
  • Javier Moreno-Andrés
  • Philip Nemoy
  • Richa Kumari
  • Patricia Margarita Valdespino-Castillo
  • Daniel Diaz-de-Quijano
  • Vicente Luis Jiménez-Ontiveros
  • Simone Fontana
  • Caterina R. Giner
  • Isabel Sanz-Sáez
  • Mireia Mestre
Ramon Margalef was a pioneering scientist who introduced an interdisciplinary approach to ecological studies. His studies were among the first to incorporate various concepts in the literature of aquatic ecology, covering topics such as organisms, ecosystem interactions and evolution. To bring Margalef’s approach into current scientific studies, in this review we explore his vision of aquatic ecology within four interrelated fields of study: ecological theory, microbial di-versity, biogeochemical cycles and global environmental changes. Taking inspiration from his studies, we analyse current scientific challenges and propose an integrated approach, considering the unifying concept of Margalef’s Mandala with the aim of improving future studies on aquatic microbial ecology.
Bidragets oversatte titelUsando la visión de Margalef para entender la ecología microbiana actual
TidsskriftScientia Marina
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2022
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 379643282