Primary Cilia in Feeding Behavior and Obesity

Speaker: Dr. Nicolas Berbari, Indiana University

Lotte Bang Pedersen and Søren Tvorup Christensen, Section for Cell Biology and Physiology

Primary cilia are small hair-like cellular appendages found on most cell types in the mammalian body where they play diverse roles as signaling organizing centers. We are specifically interested in cilia on neurons in the brain and how they impact behavior. Interestingly, when cilia are disrupted in the feeding centers of the brain this results in increased feeding behavior and obesity in both mice and patients with genetic disorders that affect cilia function. We are utilizing conditional and congenital knockout mouse models, tissue culture, pharmacology and electrophysiology to determine how cilia may coordinate specific receptors and signaling pathways that impact appetite and satiety.  Current studies are also focused on understanding if neuronal cilia dysfunction in adults may account for some more common forms of obesity.