Talk by Ewan Birney

EMBL: European life sciences from molecules to ecosystems using experiments and data analysis

Ewan Birney
Deputy Director General of EMBL
Director of EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK

Ewan Birney will present the new scientific program of EMBL, Molecules to Ecosystems. This new program continues to build on EMBL’s strengths in atomic, molecular, cellular and organismal life sciences, using  innovative experiments, state of the art technology and world-leading data analysis and extends it to new application areas, in particular around planetary biology, ecosystem sciences and infection biology.

Ewan will also present EMBL’s world leading life science services which are open to all EMBL member state scientists. These services span the best sources of X-ray light for biology worldwide at dedicated beam lines, integrated light and electron based imaging techniques and the fundamental biomolecular core data infrastructure. Ewan will close with some vignettes of how EMBL’s service and research helped Europe and the world navigate the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

You can read more about EMBL’s scientific program here:

All are welcome.