About the Department

The Department of Biology (BIO) is based on a legacy of outstanding researchers and is today one of the largest Departments at the University of Copenhagen.

The Department has a very unique research and study environment with strong basic research and versatile education in biology, biochemistry, molecular biomedicine and bioinformatics. Students and researchers work together across a vibrant and engaging environment that contributes to our impressive publication list and great funding success.

The Department is headed by Professor Niels Kroer, who together with approx. 500 employees and 2000 students continuously develop the Department's national and international position.


The Department of Biology's mission is to be a knowledge and culture-bearing institution that creates new biological insight through excellent research. We also aim to educate highly qualified candidates through research-oriented teaching and through a strong commitment to society.


The Department's vision is that the Department of Biology is an international leader in the life sciences – measured by the quality of research and candidates – and that the institute is the preferred partner for research partners, students, current and future employees – both in the private and public sectors as well as among opinion leaders.



University of Copenhagen
Ole Maaløes Vej 5
DK-2200 Copenhagen N

Phone: +45 3532 3710
Email: bio@bio.ku.dk

VAT: 29 97 98 12 (EU)
EAN: See list