Postdoc Network

Postdoc life can mean many different things. It can involve many new things such as moving to a new country, testing out new fields of research, managing an independent research grant, starting a family life and much more. While this can all be fun and exciting, it can also be overwhelming. Knowing others in the same boat as you, is almost always a win! This is why the BIO Postdoc Network exists!

The BIO Postdoc Network is for postdocs and assistant professors at the Department of Biology and is organized by the BIO Postdoc Committee. For postdoc by postdocs.

The aim is to unite postdocs across the Department in a safe, meaningful, and sustainable network that facilitates career development and a sense of belonging.

The BIO Postdoc Network started in 2021 with it primary mission to create a profesional and supporting network. We are approx. 100 postdocs and throughout the year we organize events about career opportunities, project management, grant writing, teaching etc. - but also the fun and social events are important as you can see below.

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  • Midsummer friday bar - BBQ, games and cold drinks ​​(June 2024)

  • Postdoc Day at Science (May 2024)

  • Friday PAX Day - Drinks and games (March 2024)

  • Comedy night at Knock Knock Comedy Club (December 2023)

  • Art of Science - Photo competition (November 2023)

    1st place:
    "Arm of the Giant Basket Star, Astrophyton muricatum" by Shoyo Sato (Postdoc, Marine Biology)

    Shared 2nd place:
    "Beauty in a failed experiment" by Marta Greedy Escudero (PhD student, Computational and RNA Biology)

    Shared 2nd place:
    [No title] by Duncan Mackay (PhD student, Cell and Neurobiology)
  • How to start or participate in Academic Spin-Off Companies (September 2023)

  • Summer BBQ - together with PAX​​ (June ​2023)

  • Why join a union? Workshop with DM​ (May 2023)

  • Salsa event (May 2023) 

    The BIO PhD network and BIO Postdoc network had an evening of fun for all in collaboration with Salsa4water. 
  • Karaoke Party (April 2023)​

  • Science PostDoc day (February 2023)

  • Science Communication Workshop (January 2023)