16 December 2024

The Carlsberg Foundation promotes basic research at the Department of Biology


From the big scientific question concerning the origin of life, to the research expedition to uncover the biology behind the mythical and ancient Greenland shark – these, and five other exciting projects, can now be implemented with support from the Carlsberg Foundation.

The seven grant recipients at the Department of Biology range from the visionary and internationally well esteemed professor to the committed, research-mediating postdoc.

“The Carlsberg Foundation works to ensure that independent basic research in Denmark is in a strong state,” says the foundation’s CEO, Professor Lasse Horne Kjældgaard. “With our calls for applications for research funding, we therefore strive to maintain quality in all parts of the science food chain, which means ensuring that both younger and more established researchers have the opportunity to explore those basic science problems that they themselves – irrespective of current trends and political agendas – designate as important.

Birthe Brandt Kragelund received a Semper Ardens Advance grant of DKK 18,6 million for the project: Protein Chirality and the Origin of Life

Ditte Skovaa Andersen received a Semper Ardens: Accelerate grant of DKK 6,9 million for the project: Adult Tissue Regeneration: Balancing Lateral inhibition and Cellular plasticity

Yong Zhang received a Semper Ardens: Accelerate grant på 7 million for the project: How Do Phages Overcome Bacterial Stress Responses?

Pétur Heiðarsson received a Research Infrastructure grant of approx. 4,7 million for the project: Luminosa — From single molecules to cell reprogramming

John Fleng Steffensen received a Field Trip grant på 3,5 million for the project: GreenSharkCruise2026

Dean Jacobsen har modtaget et Field Trip grant på DKK 300.000 for the project: Aquatic Biodiversity and water quality in the Himalayan Upper Mustang Region of Nepal

Walter Dellisanti received a Carlsberg Mindelegat of approx. DKK 200.000 for the project: Coral Connections

Huge congratulations on the grants!

Read more on the Carlsberg Foundation's website here
