2. juli 2021

The GRADCATCH team is welcoming Dr. Xingguo Han

Biodiversity and Climate

In May, Dr. Xingguo Han started his post-doc at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSl and will be working directly with Dr. Aline Frossard. The GradCatch team is welcoming Han!

Dr. Xingguo Han

I’m a postdoctoral researcher at Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL). Holding a PhD degree from ETH Zurich, I have been working on the role of anthropogenic eutrophication in controlling microbial community structure and organic carbon degradation in lake sediments through time. For my postdoctoral research, I’ll be involved in the GradCatch project to investigate microbial responses to climate change along large environmental gradients with different temperatures and soil moistures. I’m extremely driven by my interest in the main factors structuring microbial communities and microbial feedbacks to the changes in natural environments.

Link to Han´s homepage at WSL: https://www.wsl.ch/de/mitarbeitende/hanxingg.html
