Lars Båstrup-Spohr Group -
Biodiversity and ecosystem restoration
We study the distribution and composition of biological communities, from local to global scales. We combine analyses of datasets on biological communities and their environment with measurements of species traits from eco-physiological experiments to understand the assembly of, mainly, aquatic organisms.
Many ecosystems are heavily degraded, and their restoration to a more natural state is urgently needed. We study the outcome of ecological restoration for biodiversity and for ecosystem functions such as carbon and nutrient cycling.
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Biodiversitet (Bachelor course in Danish)
Matematik/Statistik (MatStat) (Bachelor course in Danish)
Feltbiologi I, II og III (Feltbio) (Bachelor summer course in Danish)
Freshwater Ecology (Master's course in English)
Associate Professor Lars Båstrup-Spohr
Universitetsparken 4
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Telephone: +4535321166