Kirsten S. Christoffersen Group

Trophic dynamics in lakes and ponds

In this group, we study aspects of freshwater ecology and how eutrophication, cyanobacterial blooms and pesticides affect aquatic communities, food web dynamics and key ecosystem processes. We are particularly interested in climate-induced ecological changes in Arctic and Alpine lakes that are subjected to major environmental changes such as glacial retreat, reduced ice-cover, warming and changed land-use. Our work is often conducted in remote areas, where we set up automatic monitoring equipment, perform sampling surveys and experiments under challenging conditions.


The main research interests are within freshwater ecology and how eutrophication, cyanobacterial bloom and pesticides affects aquatic communities, food web dynamics and key ecosystem processes. A special interest is directed to climate-induced ecological change in Arctic/Alpine lakes that are strongly influenced by ongoing environmental changes such as glacial retreat, reduced ice-cover, warming and changed land-use. Our work is often conducted in hard-to-get-to areas where we use automatic monitoring, perform sampling surveys and experiments under challenging conditions.


CyaNoServices; Securing freshwater supporting services for biodiversity threatened by harmful Cyanobacteria across ecosystems boundaries – partner (Lead by Jana I.Navarro, University of Copenhagen).

Seasons of change; A new benchmark interdisciplinary, co-production approach to integrate scientific research with local and traditional knowledge – partner (Lead by Kathryn Adamson, Manchester Metropolitan University ng seasons.

Arctic questions; Future research and monitoring needs for Arctic freshwaters – partner (Lead by Willem Goedkoop, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and Joseph Culp, Wilfrid Laurier University, Cold Regions Research Centre).

ARCWEB; Ecological change in Arctic/alpine lakes as a consequence of ongoing climate-change induced oligotrophication – partner (Lead by Danny Lau, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).

Long –term variation in Faroese Lakes under Global warming – PI (partners from Faroe Island and Iceland).

FishFar; Temporal changes in feeding ecology and life histories of Arctic charr and Brown trout in Faroese lakes  – partner (Lead by Camille Leblanc, Holar University, Iceland, and Agnes Kreiling, Tjóðsavnið – Faroe Islands National Museum).

ARCTIC-BIODIVER; Scenarios of freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing Arctic – partner (Lead by Willem Goedkoop, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

Baseline and long-term monitoring of High Arctic lakes in Greenland – PI.



KSC is involved in teaching the following courses:

Ba courses (in Danish)

MSc courses (in English)


KSC was invited to a (Danish) podcast about invasive species in Denmark. Listen HERE.

KSC was interviewed for Danish national TV about the impact of climate change on the arctic food web. Watch the clip HERE.

Copenhagen University's very own University Post interviewed KSC about the particular challenges of teaching in the arctic. Read it HERE.


Name Position Contact
Oscar Castillo Postdoc Email
Trine Perlt Research assistant Email
Ida R. Friis PhD student Email



MSc students

  • Matthew Shoen
  • Stephen Schoen

BA students

  • Mollie Olsen
  • Ene P. Garm
  • Nethe N. Larsen
  • Jonas H. B. Nielsen



Professor Kirsten S. Christoffersen
Freshwater Biology Section
Universitetsparken 4
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Phone: +45 35 33 01 23
Mobile: +45 23 42 04 22

  • Linkedin
  • ReseachGate K-8423-2014
  • Bluesky (coming soon)
  • X @KirstenSeestern

Link to KSC publications