Field determination of denitrification in water-logged forest soils

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Denitrification rates were measured as N2O production in two water-logged forest soils at monthly intervals. The effect of acetylene inhibition and the addition of nitrate, glucose, acetate and celloboise in field incubations was examined. N2O release from the two soils was very low, 26 mg N2m-2y-1 in ash and 178 mg N2 in alder. In acetylene inhibited incubations N2O production was higher, 296 and 486 mg N2m-2 y-1 in ash and alder respectively. After addition of nitrate and C-sources to a 10 mM concentration, denitrification rates increased to 5-15 times higher values. The denitrification rates below 4°C were low and most N2O was produced in late spring and summer. The highest rate of denitrification during a 50 h incubation experiment occurred between 3 and 23 h.

TidsskriftFEMS Microbiology Letters
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)71-78
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - feb. 1989

ID: 310840772