Ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny of Phalansterium foulumis sp. nov. (Amoebozoa Variosea)

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  • Sergey A. Karpov
  • Lyubov A. Smakova
  • Stanislav A. Malavin
  • Ekelund, Flemming
  • Alexey V. Smirnov
Representatives of the genus Phalansterium have single anterior flagellum
surrounded by cytoplasmic collar. They belong to the class Variosea, which
includes both typical amoeboid organisms (e.g., Flamella, Filamoeba) and some
flagellates (e.g., Phalansterium, Multicilia). A recent study revealed Phalansterium
arcticum as a very polymorphic species with both sedentary and swimming
cells. It also clarified the mode of phagocytosis, and showed a cell division, but
the ultrastructure of the cell is still not sufficient. Here, we present for the first
time a thorough ultrastructural investigation of the soil flagellate Phalansterium
“solitarium” strain Ph185 of SCCAP. We demonstrate that Phalansterium uses
pseudopodia to take up bacteria inside its collar, and suggest that the inner cell
asymmetry of Phalansterium cytoskeleton is associated with its mode of feeding.
On the base of morphology and molecular phylogeny, we describe a new species
Phalansterium foulumis with the type strain SCCAP-Ph185.
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)129-141
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The authors are grateful to B.S.C. Leadbeater for manuscript review and language correction. SAK thanks the RSF grant No 23-14-00280, https://rscf. ru/project/23-14-00280/ for supporting ultrastructural study, general data analysis and writing the manuscript. AS acknowledges the support of the RSF project 23-74-00050 (molecular phylogenetic analysis).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s).

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