





  • Social Evolution
  • Mutualistic and parasitic symbioses
  • Population ecology and genetics
  • Macroecology and community ecology
  • Functional and biodiversity (meta)genomics
  • Animal Behaviour

This section of the PhD programme covers a range of topics related to fundamental ecology and evolution research the organismal biology. The section is question-focused and hypothesis-driven with PhD projects on co-evolutionary dynamics of interacting populations and species, the evolution of animal societies and the regulation of social conflict, animal communication networks, community assembly rules, conservation and invasive biology, and evolutionary medicine applications. Most research is experimental and because of the breadth of topics and organisms, methods are diverse, including microbiological, (meta)genomics, proteomics and metabolomics, as well as geographical information systems, mass spectrometry, statistical analysis and modelling, acoustic analysis, social network analysis, and bioinformatics. Graduates from this programme often get jobs in academia, but increasingly also in the biotechnological industry and in biodiversity consulting.

Contact: Michael Poulsen

Ecology and Evolution



  • Dynamics of Organic Carbon in Soil
  • Advanced biofilm course
  • Microbial communities

Our programme covers many aspects of microbiology, often with a focus on how microorganisms interact with each other, with their host or with their environment. The research involves all major microbial groups – bacteria, archaea, fungi, viruses and microeukaryotes – and topics include microbiomes of humans, animals and plants, bacterial disease mechanisms, sociomicrobiology, responses of microorganisms to climate and environmental changes, microbial roles in nutrient cycling, extremophiles, evolutionary and physiological adaptations, microbial genetics, antibiotic resistance, horizontal gene transfer, quorum sensing, multispecies biofilm, and CRISPR defence mechanisms. Most projects are experimental and may involve advanced molecular techniques and bioinformatics analyses of large data sets. Graduates within microbiology take on jobs in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry, at hospitals, in consulting, and in academia.

Søren J. Sørensen

Marine Biology
Functional Genomics
Biomolecular Sciences
Terrestrial Ecology
Ecology and Evolution