Freshwater Biology Section

In the Freshwater Ecology Section, we study lakes, streams, wetlands and coastal areas, both in Denmark and all across the globe, and we address pressing issues related to climate change, land-use and nature management among many other things. We also teach and contribute to a large number BSc and MSc courses that cover all aspects of freshwater ecology.
We examine patterns in biological diversity, how organisms adapt to their environment, and the changes and ecological processes of whole aquatic ecosystems. We enjoy collaborations with an extensive network of national and international collaborators, and we are loosely organized into five interlinked groups, or ‘Labs’. We work in the field, where we do surveys and conduct experiments, and we study samples and do experiments in our laboratories.
Our research infrastructure includes modern laboratory facilities equipped with extensive hardware for analyses of samples, a wide range of gear and vessels for sampling in the field, a state-of-the-art greenhouse and a number of temperature-controlled rooms as well as an outdoor mesocom facility and a phytoplankton culture collection.
The Section for Freshwater Biology dates back to 1897 and is thus founded on proud scientific traditions.























The section gives high priority to our teaching activities and takes great pride in offering a wide range of high quality courses. We are currently responsible for 11 courses and contribute to 4 more, at both BSc and MSc level. Courses cover those focused specifically on aquatic organisms and ecology as well as courses in general ecology, biodiversity, statistics, Arctic biology and nature management. Many of the courses are part of the Ecology specialization in the Biology Master program. Please refer to the Dept. of Biology list of courses.

We always have a wide variety of ideas for BSc and MSc projects, but other ideas are certainly welcome.

Bachelor courses

FBS responsible
Basic ecology (Almen Økologi)
● Statistics for biologists (Statistik for biologer)
Field course in limnology (Feltkursus III)
Biodiversity (Biodiversitet)
Basic Arctic Biology (Basal Arktisk Biologi)
Freshwater Macrofauna (Makrofauna i Ferskvand: Økologi og Miljøbedømmelse)

Diversity of organisms (Organismernes Diversitet)

Master courses

FBS responsible
Freshwater Ecology
● Theme course 1: Ecology and Management of nature and semi-natural areas
Arctic Biology
Arctic Field course

Advanced Ecology
Methodology and Sampling in Environmental Management
















Freshwater Biology Section
Universitetsparken 4
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark

Associate Professor Dean Jacobsen
Phone: +45 3533 0132

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