14 September 2022

...once they learn to coexist - ScienceNEWS.dk

Biofilm, bacterial interactions

Associate professor Mette Burmølle shows that dairy bacteria can perform better – once they learn to coexist

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Bacteria play an important role in the dairy industry. Lactic acid bacteria are needed to make cheese, buttermilk, yogurt and many other products. New research from Associate professor Mette Burmølle's group, Section of Microbiology shows that the results differ depending on whether different species of dairy bacteria first encounter each other when they are added to the milk or whether they have coexisted beforehand. The results may be open doors to new potentials for food production and other industrial settings.

Read the new article from Associate professor, Mette Burmølle’s group in Biofilms and Microbiomes or see the highlights in ScienceNews.dk HERE
