Gunnar Seidenfaden's contributions to orchidology and conception of taxonomy and botanical science

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingsResearch

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Fourth International ConferenceonThe Comparative Biology of the MonocotyledonsThe Fifth International Symposium on Grass Systematics and Evolution H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen11-15 August 2008 · Copenhagen, Denmark
Number of pages1
PublisherMuseum Tusculanum
Publication date2008
ISBN (Print)978-87-87772-03-7
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventThe 4th international conference: The comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons - University of Copenhagen, University of Århus, Denmark
Duration: 11 Aug 200815 Aug 2008
Conference number: 4


ConferenceThe 4th international conference: The comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons
ByUniversity of Copenhagen, University of Århus

ID: 9016856