Flow Cytometry

The application of flow cytometry in the description of complex microbial communities and single cell analyCell sortingsis will facilitate a second revolution in microbial ecology

Section of Microbiology is harbouring a BD FACSAria III cell sorter,- a state-of-the-art machine with regards to high troughput sampling and analysis. With 4 lasers, a wealth of detectors and sorting by deflection plates it can analyse up to 70.000 events pr second and simultaneously sort 4 different population into tubes, microtiterplates, microscopy slides or agar plates.  In our section we’ve  constructed plasmidborne fluorescent bacteria and using these enables detection and sorting of very rare events - like horizontal genetransfer in soil, and thus creates a direct pipeline from natural environments to high troughput sequencing,- another key facility in the group

In addition we also have a BD Accuri C5 flowcytometer, an easy-to-use machine which is very compact, light and portable to be taken out into the field and do high troughput analysis on-site.