Endocrinology and Metabolism Lab


Internal organs of animals serve tissue-specific functions and continuously exchange information through a network of hormonal signals. Organ-to-organ signaling networks coordinate whole-organism physiology and thus maintain body-wide homeostasis. Communication between organs is mediated by a variety of long-distance signals, such as cytokines and hormones, that are secreted from different organs and carried in the circulatory system to receptive target tissues, where they regulate metabolism and physiology.









See publications at PubMed here











Name Title Phone E-mail
Alina Malita Postdoc +4535331447 E-mail
Kim Rewitz Professor +4535330155 E-mail
Mette Lassen Postdoc +4535333834 E-mail
Michael James Texada Postdoc +4535335246 E-mail
Nadja Ahrentløv PhD Fellow +4535337695 E-mail
Olga Kubrak Assistant Professor +4535324640 E-mail


The Endocrinology and Metabolism Lab

Section for Cell and Neurobiology
Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark

Professor Kim Rewitz
Email: kim.rewitz@bio.ku.dk
Phone:  +45 3533 0155
Mobile: +45 6165 6026