Plant Physiological Ecology & Biogeochemistry (Michelsen) Lab

The focus of the Plant Physiological Ecology & Biogeochemistry research group is on climate change effects and anthropogenic impact on organisms, plant physiological and biogeochemical processes in natural and semi-natural ecosystems, mainly in the temperate and arctic zone.



















The group has funding from EU Marie Curie (2021-2023), Carlsberg Foundation (2021; 2022) and DFF-FNU (2020-2023; 2022-2025).

The group is also part of CENPERM - Center for Permafrost (2012-2022)

Center for Permafrost, CENPERM, funded with100 mio. DKK by Danish National Research Foundation (Danmarks Grundforskningsfond), investigates the interactions between microorganisms, soil and plants in relation to permafrost dynamics and trace gas emission. The Center is a close collaboration between Dept. of Geosciences and Dept. of Biology at University of Copenhagen.





















Lab members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Anders Michelsen Professor +4523398286 E-mail
Christoffer Bugge Harder Postdoc +4535328507 E-mail
Pernille May Yde Master Student   E-mail
Mengyuan Huang Guest PhD Student   E-mail
Oscar Redeyoff Master Student   E-mail
Frida Kristine Brockmann Master Student   E-mail
Åsa Märta Paulina Lie Master Student   E-mail
Marc Højerslev Eriksen Master Student   E-mail


Plant Physiological Ecology
& Biogeochemistry Group

Professor Anders Michelsen
Terrestrial Ecology Section
Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark

Phone:  +45 5126 8948
Mobile: +45 2339 8286


Info on new publications from work on ecosystems under climate change in Greenland:

Plants forage for deep nitrogen in the High Arctic

Higher temperatures and more snow lead to higher release of CO2 from heaths in Greenland

Plant and Soil cover

Loss of CO2 from subarctic heath ecosystem under climate change treatment
Results on ecosystem CO2 fluxes measured through the whole year in plots in subarctic heath exposed to 13 years of increased summer temperature and leaf litter addition have been published in Plant and Soil, and the study is highlighted on the front cover of the November 2019 issue of the Journal. Read the press release

Field work in the Arctic
Please contact Anders Michelsen for discussion of possible projects. These could involve vegetation analysis, and investigation of plant physiological and soil microbial responses, and greenhouse gas emission responses to environmental changes, including climate change.