Katrine Worsaae Lab
My research group study evolution, development, morphology, functional adaptations and anatomy of marine macro- and meiofaunal invertebrates (annelids in particular). The three main focus areas of our research is 1) the organization and evolution of the early nervous system, 2) evolution of meiofauna (incl. theories on progenesis) and 3) evolution and adaptations to extreme habitats (e.g., deep sea, interstitial, anchialine caves).
Our studies concerns macro- and meiofaunal Annelida (e.g., Osedax, Nerillidae, Psammodrilidae, Diurodrilidae, Histriobdellidae, Protodrilidae, Protodriloidae, Saccocirridae, Dinophilidae, Dorvilleidae, Aphroditformia) as well as the meiofaunal taxa Kinorhyncha, Gastrotricha, Micrognathozoa, Gnathostomulida and Enteropneusta. While some of these are cultured in our aquarium facilities most are collected at expeditions with subsequent extensive genetic and microscopical studies.
We integrate a range of scientific fields including comparative transcriptomics, morphology, systematics, taxonomy, and phylogenomics. Besides, we work with development and application of advanced bioimaging techniques such as microscopic video-recordings, SEM, TEM, immunohistochemistry, multi-stainings protocols, neuropeptides and CLSM, histology and advanced 3D computational modeling.
- Evolutionary and developmental pathways (e.g. progenesis) to miniaturization and meiofauna
- Evolution and development of nervous- and muscle systems
- Phylogenomics, biogeography and systematics of segmented worms (Annelida) and meiofauna.
- Morphological & molecular adaptations of marine invertebrates to extreme environments (e.g. anchialine caves, deep sea, Arctic, interstitial realm)
- Bioimaging and molecular techniques such as EM, histology, immunohistochemistry, multi-staining protocols, CLSM, TEM and 3D computational modeling, molecular sequencing, total evidence phylogenetics, phylogenomics, transcriptomics and gene expression studies.
Professor, Marine Biological Section, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Email: kworsaae@bio.ku.dk
Researcher / Orchid ID: L-8739-2014/ 0000-0003-0443-4298
Research gate: www.researchgate.net/profile/Katrine_Worsaae
- Evolutionary and developmental pathways (e.g. progenesis) to miniaturization and meiofauna
- Evolution and development of nervous- and muscle systems
- Phylogenomics, biogeography and systematics of segmented worms (Annelida) and meiofauna.
- Morphological & molecular adaptations of marine invertebrates to extreme environments (e.g. anchialine caves, deep sea, Arctic, interstitial realm)
- Bioimaging and molecular techniques such as EM, histology, immunohistochemistry, multi-staining protocols, CLSM, TEM and 3D computational modeling, molecular sequencing, total evidence phylogenetics, phylogenomics, transcriptomics and gene expression studies.
2022 PhD supervision course, Department of Didactics, UCPH
- 2016 Course in responsible conduct of research (RCR), SCIENCE, UCPH
- 2013 Leadership Course UC, Summit Consulting, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2009 Course in pedagogy (250 hours): Higher education didactic program for assistant professors (AdjunktPædagogikum), University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2004 Ph.D. (Zoology), Natural History Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2003-2004 Maternity leave with Lærke Worsaae Rask (born 9/10-03), 11 months.
- 2000 Cand. Scient. [B.Sc & M.Sc.] (Zoology), Natural History Museum, University of Copenhagen.
- 2000-2001 Maternity and sick leave with Runa Worsaae Rask (born 14/01-00), 11,5 months.
- 2022–– Research affiliate, JAMSTEC, Japan
- 2017–– Research Associate, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, USA
- 2011–– Associate Professor, Marine Biological Section, Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
- 2009-2010 Associate Research Professor, Marine Biological Section, Univ. Copenhagen, DK. Tenure-track-like Freja fellowship, Faculty of Science; Univ. Copenhagen, DK. (349.700€).
- 2007-2009 Assistant Research Professor, Marine Biological Section, Univ. Copenhagen, DK. Post doc Steno-fellowship & 'Young elite researcher award', Danish Independent Research Council; Univ. Copenhagen, DK (375.300€).
- 2007 Monthly Columnist (Part time), Sunday Science section, Politiken (Danish major newspaper).
- 2005-2006 Post doc research fellow, Natural History Museum (SNM), Univ. Copenhagen, DK (2x½year) & South Australian Museum & University of Adelaide, South Australia (1 year). Post doc Fellowship, Carlsberg Foundation (128.000€).
- 2023–– Daily group leadership of 7 people: Currently: 2 Postdocs, 2 Ph.D’s, 1 research assistant, 1 lab technician (part time)
- 2012-2021 Hosted: 14 Post Doc years (= 5 post docs)
- 2008-2021 Supervised: 7 Ph.d. students, 30 M.Sc. students, 18 B.Sc. students.
Aléjandro Martinéz (Postdoc, 2 years, 2014-2015)
Maikon Di Domenico (Postdoc, 2 years, 2014-2015)(Co-supervisor)
Zandra Sigwardt (PhD student, 2016-2020)(Co-supervisor)
Alexandra Kerbl (PhD student, 2012-2016)
Brett Gonzalez (PhD student, 2013-2017)
Nicolas Bekkouche (PhD student, 2012-2016)
Aléjandro Martinéz (PhD, 2009-2013)
Maikon Di Domenico) (PhD, 2010-2014)(Co-supervisor)
- 2007–– Course responsible teacher – Marine Faunistics, MSc course, Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
- 2017–– Teacher – Sensory Biology, MSc course, Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
- 2010–– Teacher – Animal Morphology, MSc course, SNM & Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
- 2009–– Teacher – Organisms & Diversity, BSc course, Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
- 2009–– Teacher – Marine Field Biology, BSc course, Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
- 2009–– Teacher – Marine Biology, MSc course, Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
- 2017 Guest course teacher, Asamushi Marine Biology Research Centre, Tohoku University, Japan.
- 2012 Guest course teacher, CEBIMar, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- 2010 Guest course Teacher, Smithsonian Research Institution, Bocas, Panama.
- 2006, 2007 Guest summer course Teacher, Kristineberg Station, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
2023 Organizer of the workshop "Evo-devo of non-model marine invertebrates - potential of DGE", Copenhagen, Denmark
2017 Invited co-organizer of the symposium "Minute metazoans" at the 4th International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology, Moscow, Russia.
2016 Session chair at the European Evo-Devo meeting, Uppsala, Sweden.
2014 Invited organizer of the symposium "Life cycle and nervous system" at the 3rd International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology, Berlin, Germany.
2011 Invited organizer of "Meiofauna symposium" at the 2nd Int. Congress on Invertebrate Morphology, Boston, USA.
2008 Organizer of the 1th International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology, Copenhagen, DK.
2017–– Associate Editor, Journal: Invertebrate Systematics (CSIRO-publishing).
2011-2022 Associate Editor, Journal: Acta Zoologica (Wiley-Blackwell).
2022–– Editorial board, Journal: BMC Zoology (Springer)
2020–– Editorial Board, Journal: Diversity (MDPI)
2020–– Editorial Board, Journal: Zoologica Scripta (Wiley)
2011–– Editorial Board, Journal: Zoomorphology (Springer).
2014–– Honoree treasurer, International Society for Invertebrate Morphology (ISIM).
2016–2020 Board member, Strategic Research Committee, Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
2015–2019 Board member, Communication Committee, Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
2013, 2007 Single opponent, 2 PhD defenses, Göteborg University & Stockholm University, Sweden.
2012, 2021 Chair, 2 PhD evaluation committees, T Wollesen, TL Koch, Dep. Biology, UCPH, DK.
INVITED TALKS since 2011
2022 University of Göttingen, June
2022 Ecology & Evolution seminar series, University of Copenhagen, May
2021 ForBio and MEDUSA course, White sea station, Russia & Bergen Museum, Norway. Sept.
2019 Scalidophora Conference, Pontal, Brazil. Feb.
2018 Japan Agency Marine-Earth Science & Technology, Yokohama, Nov.
2017 4th Int. Congress on Invertebrate Morphology, Moscow, Aug.
2016 European Evo-Devo meeting, Uppsala, May.
2016 GfBS meeting, München, March.
2014 (with stud. N. Bekkouche): SICB meeting, Florida, Jan.
2013 Göteborg University, Nov.
2012 University of Bonn, June.
2011 University of Jena, Dec.
2022 Videnskabelig podcast: Kan ledorme hjælpe os med at forstå os selv?
2021 2 hour interview podcast & YouTube-video on the evolution of brains, “Den dyriske time”
2021 New York times & Videnskab.dk interview-articles on our paper (Allentoft-Larsen et al. 2021)
2021 Podcast and article series on Deep sea life and mining, Zetland (Magazine).
2020 Invited talk on “the zombieworm, Osedax” at the Society of Danish Natural History
2020 Invited talk on Antarctic meiofauna at 'Wine & Science night” Politiken/Nat.Hist.Mus.
2018 Public talk at the Danish Aquarium on “Dead whales and Osedax”,
2016 Launching of our popular science book “Guide to the anchialine ecosystems of Los Jameos del Agua and Túnel de la Atlántida”. Martínez et al. 2016. Cabildo de Lanzarote, 310pp.
2015 Invited talk on own meiofauna research at 'Wine & Science night” Politiken/Nat.Hist.Mus.
2015 Interview by Radio channel “24/7” on the evolution of the bilaterian nervous system.
2015 Interview at tv-channel “TV Lorry" about own deep sea and Osedax discoveries, 18.2.2015.
2013 Leading role in educational short movie “The expedition, new species” from Haslund film for high school education on evolution, diversity and speciation. https://vimeo.com/77092613
2013 Leading role (& PR-interview at tv-channel "TV2") in the art-documentary movie "Expedition to the end of the world", instructed by Daniel Dencik, world premiere 6.2.2013.
Peer reviewed papers in international journals (page 1-): 108
Peer reviewed scientific books & book chapters (page 8-): 16
Scientific reports (with ISBN #) & popular/non-reviewed papers (page 9-): 19
Conference abstracts (not listed): +70
Peer reviewed publications: 29 as first author, 56 as last author, ca. 40 as corresponding author
H-index: 28 (calculated as in PNAS 102:16569-16572, 2005). 2898 citations (according to Google Scholar). Full list of publications (and citation indices) available at Google Scholar/Katrine Worsaae
- 2023-2025 PI, Villum experiment research project on “meiofauna genomics – Micrognathozoa” 267.000€
- 2021-2025 PI, DFF-FNU, Research project “How to reduce body size - a dwarf male's tale” 387.000€
- 2021-2025 Co-PI Genomic Darwin ToL, Symbiosis Hub, Moore Foundation/Sanger Institute est. 600.000€
- 2021-2024 Co-PI, DFG research project. “Body size evolution in Priapulida” 220.000€
- 2021-2023 Co-PI, Villum Experiment research project “Tiny dragons answering big questions” 254.000€
- 2021-2022 PI, DK’s agency for Science & Education “Advancing developmental Biology” 36.000€
- 2020-2022 PI, New laser for confocal microscope (Carlsberg Foundation (CF)) 15.860€
- 2020-2022 PI, expedition grant to Maldive Coral reef project (CF) 38.350€
- 2020-2023 PI on 2-year Marie-Curie fellowship (EU) for post doc Ekin Tilic 207.312€
- 2019 Co-PI on 4-year IPEV project “ Biodiversity of Crozet Islands”, 2 seats OP3 exped. 53.000€
- 2018-2020 Co-PI of Post Doc fellow, B. Gonzalez (Smithsonian Post Doc fellow, USA) 155.345€
- 2018 Co-PI, Global Genome Initiative, Turks & Caicos cave exped. & nextgen seq. costs. 25.880€
- 2018/19 PI, Sasakawa Foundation & Ragna Rask Foundation, Okinawa cave expedition 5000€
- 2018 Co-PI, Invited researcher to JAMSTEC, Japanese Society for Promotion of Science 12.000€
- 2018 PI on 2-year Marie-Curie fellowship (EU) for post doc Maria Herranz 195.000€
- 2017-2020 PI, DFF- FNU, Research project, “The essence of sex” (Grant# 112709) 346.700€
- 2016 PI, Slide scanner system & software (Simon Fougner Hartmann Familiefond) 47.075€
- 2016-2017 PI, New lasers for CLSM (CF: grant no. CF15_0946) 33.625€
- 2014-2015 Co-PI, Book on La Corona cave system, Lanzarote (Gov. of Lanzarote/ EU grant) 37.800€
- 2014-2015 Co-PI/Host of Post Doc fellow, A. Martínez (CF 2013_01_0779) 200.000€
- 2014-2016 PI, Research project: Evolution in the dark (CF 2013_01_0501) 61.870€
- 2014 PI, Assemble grant (EU FP7), field work at Eilat Marine Station 5.380€
- 2011-2015 PI, Young Investigator Program (Villum Foundation, grant no. 102544) 654.472€
- 2011 PI, Assemble grant (PI, EU FP7), field work at Roscoff Marine Station 3.362€
- 2011 Co-PI, Research project on La Corona lava tube (Government of Lanzarote) 16.140€
- 2011-2013 PI, Research proj. ‘Adaptations to a life among sand grains’ (CF, no. 2010_01_0802) 40.350€
- 2010 Co-PI Meiofauna Workshop at Arctic Station 2010 (CF, no. 2009_01_0053) 20.175€
- 2009 PI, Freja research fellowship (University of Copenhagen) 349.697€
- 2008 The Reinhard Rieger Award of Zoology, Germany/USA. (Journal of Morphology,
- Springer; Zoomorphology, Wiley; & University of Innsbruck) 3000$
- 2007 PI, Steno-fellowship & Young Elite Researcher's Award (DFF-FNU) 342.972€ + 32.280€
Regular Course organizer/developer & teacher
- "Marine Faunistics, biology and systematics of marine fish and invertebrates". Dep. Biology, UC (MSc course, summer course).
- "Marine Biology,Theme 2, Benthic fauna and conditions of the Ocean". Dep. Biology, UC (MSc course, 1. seskumester).
Regular Course teacher
- "Animal Morphology", UC (MSc. Course, BIO, Univ. Copenhagen, 4'th seskumester).
- "Organismernes diversitet" (BSc. Course, BIO, Univ. Copenhagen, 1'th seskumester).
- "Field Biology, Marine" (BSc. Course, BIO, Univ. Copenhagen, 4'th seskumester)
- "Sensory Biology" (MSc. Course, BIO, Univ. Copenhagen, 3'th seskumester)
Research group
Name | Title | Phone | |
Katrine Worsaae | Professor | +4535321987 | |
Cecilie Fryland Appeldorff | Laboratory Technician | +4535334287 | |
Alice Rouan | Post doc | +4535327118 | |
Shoyo Sato | Post doc | +4535326499 | |
Jan Raeker | Phd Stud | ||
Éloïse Defourneaux | Research Assistant | +4535328718 | |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Professor Katrine Worsaae
Universitetsparken 4, 1st floor
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Phone: +45 35 300433
Mobile: +45 41230073
News & outreach
Welcome to Shoyo Sato! Post-doc at the K. Worsaae labs 2023-2025 - working on Micrognathozoa genomics
Welcome to Alice Rouan! Post-doc at the K. Worsaae labs 2023-2025 - working on the Osedax development
Congratulations Maria, on your new position at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid - starting in 2023!
Happy to host and organize the workshop "Evo-devo of non-model marine invertebrates - potential of DGE" at the University of Copenhagen!
PhD student from Universidade Sao Paulo, Thainá Cortez, will visit our lab March-September 2023, supported by CAPES.
Just announced a 2 year post doc position on invertebrate evo-devo: please check out link!
Look forward to MSc candidate, Eloise Defourneaux, continuing as research assistant in my lab from Jan 1, 2023!
Happy to get the Villum experiment fund for a very cool and challenging project:
Unravelling the genome of one of the smallest and rarest animal phyla - Micrognathozoa.
Congratulations Ekin, on your invertebrate curator position at Senckenberg NHM - starting in 2023!
Did fun podcast on some of our large-scale research questions: Kan ledorme hjælpe os med at forstå os selv?
So happy to get funding for studying Osedax development: DFF-FNU, Research project “How to reduce body size - a dwarf male's tale”
Interview podcast & YouTube-video on the evolution of brains, “Den dyriske time”
New York times & Videnskab.dk interview-articles on our swimming scale worm paper (Allentoft-Larsen et al. 2021)
Podcast and article series on Deep sea life and mining, Zetland (Magazine).
Happy to start up our DFG research project. “Body size evolution in Priapulida” w/ Prof. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa and Phd student Jan Raeker.
Jiseon Park, Ewha Womens University visit our lab 28/2-4/3 2020 to study Interstitial Annelida.
Welcome to new PhD student, Ole Bjørn Brodnicke - studying cryptic meiofauna & fishes in relation to coral reef degradation and connectivity.
K. Worsaae & P.R. Møller participated in the IPEV/TAAF cruise to Crozet and Kerguelen Islands, Subantarctica 5/11 2019 -8/1 2020 - hunting down Micrognathozoa (under the Biodiversity project of D. Renault, Univ. Rennes).
K. Worsaae, B. Gonzalez, A. Kerbl. M. Hansen presented results of our lab at the IPC 2019 conference, July LA, California.
K. Worsaae, M. Allentoft-Hansen, Malte J. Hansen participated in the Okinawa cave expedition 31/5-12/6 2019 at the Sesoko marine Lab, together with Yoshihisa Fujita and J. Olesen and colleagues.
Patricia Alvarez visit our lab 29/4-1/5.
K. Worsaae gave an interview to Universitetsavisen: Katrine Worsaaes double life above and below water
Welcome to Maria Herranz! Marie Curie Post doc at the K. Worsaae labs 2019-2021 - working on Kinorhyncha evolution and segmentation.