Marine Biology News

New fish publication: Frank, L., Prescott, L. A., Scott, M. E., Domenici, P., Johansen, J. L. and Steffensen, J. F. The effect of progressive hypoxia on swimming mode and oxygen consumption in the pile perch, Phanerodon vacca. 2024. Frontiers - Fish Experimental Biology.Volume 2 - 2024

New publication: Rouyer, T., Bonhommeau, S., Bernard, S., Kerzerho, V. Derridj, =., Bjarnason, A., Alla, A. Steffensen, J. F., Deguara, S., Wendling, B., Bal, G., Thambithurai, D. and Mckenzie, D. J. (2023).A novel protocol for rapid deployment of heart rate data storage tags in Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus reveals cardiac responses to temperature and feeding. Journal of Fish Biology, DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15507 publication:

New publication: Pacher, K., Breuker, M., Hansen, M. H., Kuvers, R. H. J. M., Häge, J., Dhellemmes, F., Domenici, P, Steffensen, J. F., Krause, S., Hildebrandt, T., Fritsch, G., Bach, P., Sabarros, P. S., Zaslansky, P., Mahlow, K., Müller, J., Armas, R. G., Galván-Magaña, F., Ortiz, H. V., Elorriaga-Verplancken, F. R., Krause, J. (In Press). The rostral micro-tooth morphology of blue marlin rostra, Makaira nigricans (Lacepède 1802). J. Fish Biol. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15608

New publication: Bergsson, H., Svendsen, M. B. S. and Steffensen, J. F. (2023). Model of Oxygen Conditions within Aquaculture Sea Cages. Biology, 12(11), 1408;

New Publication: Physiological effects of temperature in Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, shows high vulnerability of arctic stenotherms to global warming. Andreas Ruth, Morten Bo Søndergaard Svendsen, Rasmus Nygaard, Emil Aputsiaq Flindt Christensen, Peter G. Bushnell, John Fleng Steffensen. J. Fish Biol.

Tracking the behaviour of large fish in the open ocean. In Fisheries Society for the British Isles Spring 2023 Newsletter

New publication in Biochemie: Holm, S., 1, Møller Larsen, R., Myrup Hols, C.,Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., Steffensen, J. F., Stevnsner, T. and Larsen, K. (In Press). Bowhead NEIL1: molecular cloning, characterization, and enzymatic properties. Biochemie,

New eBook in Frontiers: Ecophysiology and Biogeochemistry of Marine Plants in the Anthropocene

New paper in Frontiers in Neuroanatomy: Expression of Opsins of the Box Jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora Reveals the First Photopigment in Cnidarian Ocelli and Supports the Presence of Photoisomerases

New paper in Trends in Ecology and Evolution on "Disentangling compartment functions in sessile marine invertebrates"

New article in Marine Pollution Bulletin on "Widespread oxyregulation in tropical corals under hypoxia"

New paper in Marine Drugs on "Possible Functional Roles of Patellamides in the Ascidian-Prochloron Symbiosis"

New article in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology on "Metabolic Profiling of Interspecies Interactions During Sessile Bacterial Cultivation Reveals Growth and Sporulation Induction in Paenibacillus amylolyticus in Response to Xanthomonas retroflexus"

New paper in Molecular Ecology on "Hypoxia as a physiological cue and pathological stress for coral larvae"

New paper in ISME Journal on "Kleptoplast distribution, photosynthetic efficiency and sequestration mechanisms in intertidal benthic foraminifera"

New review in Frontiers of Marine Science on "Effects of Epiphytes on the Seagrass Phyllosphere"

New article in npj Biofilms & MIcrobiomes on "Biophysical properties at patch scale shape the metabolism of biofilm landscapes"

New review in Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology: "Every refuge has its price: Ostreobium as a model for understanding how algae can live in rock and stay in business"

New paper published today in Journal of Experimental Biology: Escaping from multiple visual threats: modulation of escape responses in Pacific staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus). Hibiki Kimura et. al. (From UW Friday Harbor Fish Swimming Course).

New publication: Lacunae rostralis: A new structure on the rostrum of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus. Published in Journal of Fish Biology. 22 February 2022.

På forskningstogt med Grønlandshajen - Øjenvidneberetning af biologistuderende Amalie Bech Poulsen.

New article in iScience: "Nitric-oxide-driven oxygen release in anoxic Pseudomonas aeruginosa" - Verena Schrameyer, Michael Kühl

New paper in Environmental Pollution: "The combined effect of short-term hydrological and N-fertilization manipulation of wetlands on CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions" - Kasper Elgetti Brodersen

New article in Molecular Ecology: "Hypoxia as a physiological cue and pathological stress for coral larvae" - Michael Kühl

New article published in Scientific Reports "Intraspecific variation in thermal tolerance differs between tropical and temperate fishes" by J. J. H. Nati, M. B. S. Svendsen, S. Marras, S. S. Killen, J. F. Steffensen, D. J. McKenzie & P. Domenici.

New book chapter: "Frustule Photonics and Light Harvesting Strategies in Diatoms" - Michael Kühl

New review: "Resolving Chemical Gradients Around Seagrass Roots—A Review of Available Methods" in Frontiers of Marine Science - Kasper Brodersen, Michael Kühl

"24 Spørgsmål til Professoren"-podcast om Grønlandshajen. Arrangeret af Lone Frank for Weekendavisen og Carlsbergfondet.

New article in ISME Journal: "Kleptoplast distribution, photosynthetic efficiency and sequestration mechanisms in intertidal benthic foraminifera" - Erik Trampe & Michael Kühl

New article in Proceedings of the Royal Society London B: "Photosynthesis from stolen chloroplasts can support sea slug reproductive fitness" - Michael Kühl

New paper (and cover photo): "Multiphysics modelling of photon, mass and heat transfer in coral microenvironments" in Journal of the Royal Society Interface - Swathi Murthy & Michael Kühl

Atlas Obscura today August '21: What Does It Mean That Greenland Sharks Could Live for 500 Years or More? A languid fish has a story to tell about longevity, lifestyle, and loss.

PhD Defense: Kendra Turk-Kubo Title: Marine nitrogen fixation: Importance of enigmatic N2-fixing microbes in open ocean and coastal ecosystems Principal Supervisor: Prof. Jonathan Zehr, Ocean Sciences Department, University of California, Santa Cruz Assessment committee: Prof. Mathias Middelboe, Marine Biological Section, University of Copenhagen (Chair). Prof. Margaret Mulholland, Department of Ocean & Earth Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA Prof. Eric Webb, Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, UDA

New paper on heterotrophic N2 fixation on marine particles published in Nature Communications by Lasse Riemann's group

Article just published in Conservation Physiology: Shuttle-box systems for studying preferred environmental ranges by aquatic animals. Emil AFC,*,Lars Emil JA, Heiðrikur B, John FS and Shaun SK. Con Phys Vol 9, 2021. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coab028

Grønland - en verden af kontraster. Tysk naturprogram fra 2020. Verdens største ø, hvor over 80 procent af landet er dækket af is. Gennem lokalbefolkningens øjne lærer vi det autentiske Grønland at kende - fra ældgamle traditioner til den mystiske grønlandshaj.

New articles in Microorganisms: "In-Situ Metatranscriptomic Analyses Reveal the Metabolic Flexibility of the Thermophilic Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacterium Chloroflexus aggregans in a Hot Spring Cyanobacteria-Dominated Microbial Mat"

Indlæg på Altinget om mangel på borgerindragelse i dansk havforvaltning, hvordan der identificeres prioriteter for dansk havmiljø og FN's Tiår for Havet

Kort omtale af epifytters negative betydning for havgræsser i radioprogrammet "Vildt Naturligt" på P1, med biologerne Johan Olsen og Vicky Knudsen (43:52) - Kasper Elgetti Brodersen

New article in ACS Sensors on novel approach for chemical imaging using hyperspectral cameras. - Maria Mosshammer, Michael Kühl

New letter in Science: Small Aral Sea brings hope for Lake Balkhash by Nikolai V. Aladin, Jens T. Høeg and Igor Plotnikov. Science 370 (6522), 1283. DOI: 10.1126/science.abf6682

New article in J. Fish Biology: Regulate or tolerate: Thermal strategy of a coral reef flat resident, the epaulette shark, Hemiscyllium ocellatum by Tiffany J Nay, Rohan J Longbottom, Connor R Gervais, Jacob L Johansen, John F Steffensen, Jodie L Rummer and Andrew S Hoey

Havgræsser under pres: ny viden om de biologiske stress mekanismer

Testing new ultrasound scanner that we plan use on our research cruise to Greenland next summer - to test if large Greenland sharks are pregant - and if so, the number of pups and how large they are.

New research uncovers a conservative route to genome compaction - a miniaturized marine worm has one of the smallest animal genomes with only 73.8 MBP

New paper published today in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science: - Population ecology, growth, and physico-chemical habitat of anadromous European perch Perca fluviatilis. Part of Emil A. F. Christensen's Ph.D.project.

New article in Global Change Biology showing that differences in coral hypoxia response systems align with bleaching susceptibility - Michael Kühl

Ny viden om epifytters skadelige effekt på havgræsser - Link til Carlsbergfondet

New paper in Marine Ecology Progress Series showing that active feeding affects bleaching susceptibility of corals. MSc work of Niclas Lyndby and Jacob Holm. Michael Kühl

New publication in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface on the thermal, optical and chemical microenvironment in the leaf phyllosphere of seagrass (Zostera marina) - Kasper Elgetti Brodersen & Michael Kühl

New Research Article in PlosOne: Assessing the reproductive biology of the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus). Former PhD-student Julius Nielsen and John Steffensen.

Research Article in Jourmal of Experimental Biology: Oil gland and oil pores in billfishes: in search of a function. John Fleng Steffensen and the Research Gate Project "Behavior and morphology of billfish"

Wall Street Journal September - "The Numbers. How Old Is the Greenland Shark? The Answer Is Slippery. Radiocarbon dates scientists used to estimate long-lived species’ lifespan were recalibrated this year "

Niels-Ulrik Frigaard contributed to an article on life on the planet Venus "Osende mikrober" in Weekendavisen.

New article in Journal of Fish Biology from MBS: The combined effect of body size and temperature on oxygen consumption rates and the size‐dependency of preferred temperature in European perch Perca fluviatilis. Emil A. F. Christensen, Morten B. S. Svendsen & John F. Steffensen

Article in Science Advances: "PhenoChip: A single-cell phenomic platform for high-throughput photophysiological analyses of microalgae" - Michael Kühl and Erik Trampe

New article in Conservation Physiology - from bi-annual Fish Swimming Course at University of Washington's Friday Harbor Labs - w. MBS M.Sc.-student Andreas Ruth. Luongo, S. M., Ruth, A., Gervais, C. A., Korsmeyer, K. E., Johansen, J. L., Domenici, P. and Steffensen, J. F. (2020). Bidirectional cyclical flows increase energetic costs of station-holding for a labriform swimming fish, Cymatogaster aggregate..Cons. Phys. 10.1093/conphys/coaa077.

Det er dyrt at skifte retning i bølgerne for koralrevsfisk. Ny forskning publiceret i J. exp. Biol. af tidligere bachelor-studerende ved MBS - i samarbejde med med internationale kollegaer og JFSteffensen.

Ny artikel i ISME Journal: Marin bakterie bruger signalstoffer til at kontrollere latent virus - Mathias Middelboe

Article in Nature Communications on "Bionic 3D Printed Corals" - Michael Kühl

Article in Nature Climate Change promotes ocean deoxygenation as a serious threat to coral reefs - Michael Kühl

Michael Kühl wins Moore Investigator award in Aquatic Symbiosis

Cover story in Environmental Microbiology - Michael Kühl and Erik Trampe

New review paper in Microbiome: "Beneath the surface: community assembly and functions of the coral skeleton microbiome" - Michael Kühl

New eLife publication: "Photosynthesis in the “dark”: Near-infrared light drives substantial oxygen production in natural biofilms" - Michael Kühl, Erik Trampe, Maria Mosshammer

New e-book: "Optics and Ecophysiology of Coral Reef Organisms" - Michael Kühl

Feature paper in Marine Ecology Progress Series: Feeding corals cope better with temperature stress and are more resilient to bleaching. Based on masters theses of Niclas Lyndby and Jacob Boiesen Holm - Michael Kühl.

Epiphyte induced carbon limitation in seagrass - Kasper Elgetti Brodersen, Michael Kühl

Havets lille hjælper. Mathias Middelboe, Weekendavisen (kræver abonnement)

New EU-MSC-ITN project: "Bio-inspired and bionic materials for enhanced photosynthesis (BEEP)" The project establishes a strong interdisciplinary research network covering bioscience, biophotonics and bioinspired materials science, which will train 9 PhD students. - Michael Kühl

Ocean plastic endangers bacteria that create oxygen necessary for life and form the base of the foodchain. Postdoctoral research from Dr. Verena Schrameyer current Marie-Curie Research Fellow at MBS.

Prof. Lasse Riemann has received 2.87 mill. DKK from Independent Research Fund Denmark for the project: Vitamin B1 limitation of bacterioplankton in coastal temperate waters

In a new PNAS paper, researchers find that vitamin B1 or B1 precursors are critical for bacterioplankton growth - Ryan Paerl, Lasse Riemann

3D bioprinting of living structures with built-in chemical sensors - Erik Trampe, Michael Kühl

A cell-wall in glass supports photosynthesis of microalgae - Michael Kühl

Geleplankton på menuen hos små ålelarver - Lasse Riemann

Forunderlige søstjerner lyser op i Arktis mørke dyb. Anders Garm -

Starfish Can See You … with Their Arm-Eyes. Anders Garm - Live Science

Starfish See Pretty Well in the Deep Ocean. By the Way, Starfish Have Eyes. Anders Garm - The New York Times

Starfish in the Deep Sea Can See. Anders Garm - The Scientist

Koralrev bliver syge af plastik. Kasper Elgetti Brodersen -

It is a pleasure to announce the next course on Microsensor Analysis in the Environmental Sciences

Koralrev i kæmpe havområde er fyldt med 11 milliarder stykker plastik. Anders Garm - Politiken

Tropiske havgræsser manipulerer sedimenters frigørelse af jern og fosfat