Network members

Network for a green transition in the Danish aquaculture sector (AquaNet)

Name and email Position/affiliation Keywords
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Alejandra Villamil Alonso
PhD Student, DTU Aqua
Keywords: Microbiology, Microbiome, Molecular biology, Diagnostics methods, Epidemiology
Anders Miki Bojesen Anders Miki Bojesen
Professor, Sund KU Keywords: Fish infectious disease prevention, Bacterial vaccines, Prebiotics/Probiotics/Synbiotics, Vaccine development, Molecular epidemiology, Virulence factor characterization, Animal infection studies  

Anne Lauritsen

SalesConsultant, BioMar A/S Keywords: Disease prevention, Animal welfare, Challenges and limitations in Danish aquaculture production
Anne Mette Bæk
Managing Director, Marine Ingredients Denmark/European Fishmeal Keywords: Aquaculture feed and feed ingredients
Annette L Moore
Annette Løttrup-Moore
Business Development Manager, Business Lolland-Falster Keywords: Blue Biomass, industrial Symbiosis, RAS, Mussels, Sustainability & Environmental Management, Business Development
Senior Researcher, DTU Aqua Keywords: Fish virus, Phylogenetics, Molecular epidemiology, Diagnostics, Microbiome, NGS, Molecular methods, Phylogeographic analysis, Accreditation molecular methods
Asma Karami Asma M. Karami
Research assistant, Sund KU Keywords: Fish diseases, Fish parasites, Zoonotic parasites, Fish immunology, Aquaculture

Basia Dmochowska

Senior Scientific/ Technical Specialist, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk Keywords: Blue bioeconomy, Ocean literacy, Stakeholders mapping/engagement, Project management, LCA (basics), Circular aquaculture
Benni W Hansen Benni Winding Hansen
Professor, Department of Natural Science and Environment, Roskilde University Keywords: Plankton physiology, Biology and ecology; Invasion biology, Aquaculture, Live feed, Molecular physiology, Copepods in aquaculture 
Best Vismann Bent Vismann
Associate Professor, Science KU Keywords: Aquaculture of shellfish (European flat oysters, Pacific oysters and blue mussels), Physiology of bivalves, Suspension feeding
Birte Brorson
Chairman, Board Member, Foreningen Netværk for Økologisk Akvakultur, Økologisk Landsforening Keywords: Research into further sustainable development of organic aquaculture in production, Foodservice and retail, Organic food supply, Organic and climate friendly conversion of professional kitchens

Bjarne Hald Olsen

CSO, Billund Aquaculture A/S Keywords: Recirculated aquaculture Systems (RAS), Zero discharge
Carlos L Gordo Carlos Letelier Gordo
Researcher DTU Aqua Keywords: Water treatment N, P and OM, Resource recovery, Aquaponics, Aquaculture engineer/Environmental engineer/System designer 
Cathy Stummann
Cathy Brown Stummann
Project leader, 
Energibyen Skive, Skive Municipality
Keywords: Blue and green circular bio-economy, Biorefining and symbiosis, Blue and green bio-economy
Charlotte Jacobsen
Professor, DTU Food Keywords: Green transition of the food industry, Utilization of waste streams from aquaculture products, Seaweed production, Application of ingredients from aquaculture production in food products, Quality of seafood products, Extraction of bioactive compounds from marine raw materials, Application of bioactive compounds in food, Analysis of bioactive compounds

Christian Riisager-Simonsen

Marine science and policy officer, DTU Aqua Keywords: Research programme development, Nature-based Solutions, Ecosystem service frameworks. 
Christina Tønner Jensen
Project Manager, Food Nation Denmark Keywords: General overview of aquaculture production in Denmark, Technology, Sustainability, Feed, Environmental effects, New branding materials on fish
Cyril Henard Cyril Henard PhD Student, Sund KU Keywords: Aquaculture, Fish health, eDNA, mBacteriology, Fish immunology, Molecular biology
Demi Tristan Djadjadi

Demi Tristan Djajadi

Postdoc, Science KU Keywords: Biorefinery, Water treatment, Plant-based protein feed, Enzymes, Micro- and nanoplastic
Dennis Brandborg Nielsen
Head of section, Dataanvendelse, Danish technological Institute  Keywords: Fish health, Breeding quality, Data management, Measuring quality traits, Measurement systems, Computer vision, Camera and vision system, Deep learning, ML,  

Dennis Lisbjerg

Senior Executive Officer, DTU Aqua
Keywords: Aquaculture

Dóra Smahajcsik

PhD Student, DTU Bioengineering Keywords: Beneficial microalgal microbiomes and microbiome composition, Fish pathogen suppression, Fish probiotics, Molecular biology and genetic engineering of marine microbes, High throughput screening of complex (algal) microbiomes for pathogen suppression, Analysis of microbiome composition, Molecular biology tools for GFP-tagging marine fish pathogens
Dorte Schrøder-Petersen
Head of Section, Animal Welfare, Danish Technological Institute Keywords: Animal welfare, realtime monitoring technology
Efthalia Arvaniti

Programme manager, Submariner Network for Blue Growth EEIG

Keywords: RAS water, energy, feed integration; Technology transfer, communication, exploitation  
Eva Roth
Associate professor, Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark Keywords: Aquaculture economics and management, Sustainability, Public regulations
Furqan Asif

Furqan Asif

Assistant Professor, Centre for Blue Governance, Aalborg University Keywords: Aquaculture governance, Conservation aquaculture, Global north-global south aquaculture linkages, Marine spatial planning and aquaculture, Qualitative research methods, mixed-methods research, Qualitative data analysis (NVivo), Environemntal social science 
Giulia Zarantonello
PhD Student, DTU Aqua Keywords: Microbiome, eDNA, Molecular biology, NGS, Bioinformatics
Grethe Hyldig
Senior Researcher, DTU Food Keywords Aquaculture of different species, Sensory quality of the different species, Factors affecting the sensory quality during farming, Food quality, Food technology, Rheology

Hanna Łądkowska

Project Manager, University of Gdańsk Keywords: Innovative aquaculture, RAS, LCA, ICZM, Circular economy, Technology Transfer, System approach
Hanxi Li

Hanxi Li

PhD Student, DTU Health Tech Keywords: Aquatic disease monitoring and detection, RT-qPCR; RNA-seq, transcriptome sequencing
Heidi Amlund
Senior Researcher DTU Food Keywords: Toxicology and analytical chemistry; Transfer of contaminants from feed to animals and their effects in animals. Methods for the analysis of elements in feed and food, Food safety
Heidi Mathiessen Heidi Mathiessen
PhD Student, Sund KU Keywords: Parasitology, Aquaculture, Immunology, Bioinformatics, Molecular biology, Immunological techniques, Bioinformatic statistical analyses
Hilary Karlson
Consultant - aquaculture, Bioøkonomisk Vækstcenter, Guldborgsund Kommune Keywords: Fish aquaculture in Denmark, RAS aquaculture, Microalgae for remediation, Aquaponics
Jacon Bregnballe Jacob Bregnballe
Sales Director, AKVA group Land Based A/S Keywords: Recirculation aquaculture (RAS) 

Jesper Heldbo

Secretary General, AquaCircle Keywords: RAS - improvement of and reduced footprint (environment af climate), New species in culture, Technologies for water treatment, Digitalization, 
Jacob Schmidt Jacob Schmidt
Special Consultant, DTU Aqua Keywords: Fish diseases, Immunology, Aquaculture, Experimental work, Welfare, Red mark syndrome
Jens Skjoelstrup

Jens Skjølstrup

CEO, ULTRAAQUA A/S Keywords: Microbiology in RAS, UV, Ozone, Disinfection, Biofiltration 

Jesper Villadsen

Sales Manager, BioMar A/S  Keywords: Sales, Marketing, Market knowledge
Jeppe Lund Nielsen Jeppe Lund Nielsen
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University Keywords: Microbiomes, eDNA, Molecular biology, Diet analysis, Pathogens, Geosmin, Off-flavor
Johan Andersen-Ranberg
Assistant Professor, Science KU Keywords: Stramonophile microalgae, Synthetic Biology, Photosynthetic pigments, High-value compound production, Molecular Biology, Algae genome engineering, Biochemistry, Analytical chemistry
John Fleng Steffensen John Fleng Steffensen
Professor, Science KU Keywords: Optimizing fish growth, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Temperature, Optimal fish swimming speed, Resting and swimming respirometry, Temperature preference, Environmental monitoring, Video tracking, Respiratory and circulatory physiology 
Johan Wedel Nielsen
Partner, Aquamind A/S Keywords: Oyster farming, Marine trout cage culture, Bottom culture of shellfish

Jonas Ove Eliasson

Co-producer, BIOMDESIGN ApS Keywords: Organic aqua farming, Innovation, co-creation, problem solving
Jonas Steenholdt Sørensen
Assistant Professor, DTU Food Keywords: Shelf-life, Seaweed, Spoilage microorganisms, Human pathogenic bacteria, Food quality, Microbiology, Bioinformatics, Field research, Food processing

Julia Södergren

PhD Students, Science KU Keywords: Microbiology, Myxobacteria
Julie hansen Bergstedt Julie Hansen Bergstedt
PhD Student, DTU Aqua Keywords: RAS, Physiology of fish, Water treatment, Welfare, Sensor-based decision making, Water quality and nutrient recycling, Sustainable utilization of resources, Fish behavior, Sensor-based water quality assessment
Kasper Rømer Villumsen
Assistant Professor, Sund KU Keywords: Vaccines, Probiotics, Big-data statistical analyses, In vivo testing, Bioinformatics, Microbiology
Katharina Kreissig

Katharina Kreissig

Project consultant, Nordic Innovators  Keywords: Aquaculture, Seaweed, Blue bioeconomy, National and international funding proposal preparation, Analytical chemistry, Nutritional profiles, Genetics, Aquafeed ingredients 
Kira Lancker

Kira Lancker

Assistant Professor Keywords: Fisheries economics, Aquaculture innovation, Resource management, Food sector interactions, Dynamic modeling, Stock assessment, Demand systems estimation, Scenario simulations
Kristina Rørbo Kristina Rørbo
Expert in Feed Legislation, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration Keywords: Use of alternative protein sources, vitamin D, Omega 3:omega 6, use of antibiotics, Legislation, Feed legislation
Kurt Buchmann Kurt Buchmann
Professor, Sund KU Keywords: Fish pathology, Fish immunology, Prophylaxis, Sustainable aquaculture, Parasitology, Selective breeding, Genetics
Lasse Polke-Pedersen
Project Manager, R&D, OxyGuard International  Keywords: Water treatment, Water monitoring, Growth optimization, RAS technology, Fish physiology to CO2 concentration and other environmental factors
Line Roager
PhD Student,  DTU Bioengineering Keywords: Probiotics, Microalgae, Macroalgae, RAS, Aquaponics, Bacteriology, Microalgal cultivation etc., NGS, Mesocosm experience
Lisbeth Jess Plesner
Aquaculture Adviser, ISAQ Keywords: RAS, Mussel aquaculture, Ecosystem service, regulation and certification.
Lone Gram
Professor, DTU Bioengineering Keywords: Microbiomes, Secondary metabolites, Fish probiotics, Microbiology, Bacterial interactions, Metabolomic analyses
Lone Madsen Lone Madsen
Senior Researcher, DTU Aqua Keywords: Fish and shellfish diseases - research, diagnostics and scientific advice; Disease prevention; Diagnostic methods; Controlled and reproducible infection models; Pathogenesis; Influence of feed and feed additives on health
Louise von Gersdorff Jørgensen Louise von Gersdorff Jørgensen
Associate Professor, Sund KU Keywords: RAS, Zebrafish as model organism, Immunology, Parasitology, Fish diseases, Molecular analyses, CRISPR/Cas, Immune-relevant analyses, Visualisation techniques 
Maj Munch Andersen Maj Munch Andersen
Associate Professor, Science KU Keywords: Circular economy; Bioeconomy; Eco-innovation; Agrofood systems; Circular food parks; Green innovation research at company, industry, regional and national level; Business, innovation and environmental policy
Malte J Hansen

Malte Jarlgaard Hansen

Application Scientist, Sundew ApS Ketwords: Parasitology, Aquaculture, Protists, Disease management, Ornamental fish, Marine biology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Biomolecules, Biotech
Marianne Thomsen Marianne Thomsen
Professor, Science KU
Keywords: Food systems sustainability assessment, Life cycle sustainability assessment, Process LCA, Hybrid LCA, Industrial ecology, CBA,TEA
Marie Louise 
Kjærgaard Schrøter
Roskilde University
Keywords: Aquatic Biology, Ecosystem dynamics, Coastal ecology, Environmental risk assessment
Massimo Pizzol Massimo Pizzol
Professor, Department of Planning, Aalborg University Keywords: Sustainability, Emerging technologies, System analysis, Blue-bioeconomy, Life cycle assessment; Circularity/ circular economy & sustainability assessment, Quantitative system modelling and simulation
Mathias Middelboe Mathias Middelboe
Professor, Science KU Keywords: Fish pathogenic bacteria, Disease control, Bacteriophage-based approaches, Aquatic microbial ecology, Virus-bacteria interactions 

Mausam Budhathoki

ITN early stage researcher, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Sterling Keywords: Consumer science, Market research, International trade, Survey design, Scoping review, Sensory evaluation, Mixed method studies, Choice experiments
Max Nielsen
Associate Professor, Science KU Keywords: Aquaculture economics and management, Seafood markets, Seafood farming, Aquaculture regulation
Mette Jørgensen Mette Jørgensen
Programkoordinator, Bioøkonomisk Vækstcenter, Guldborgsund kommune, Agri Aqua Innovation Denmark Keywords: RAS, Næringsstofkredsløb, SDG, Sunde fødevarer, Lokal produktion, Formidling, Bæredygtighed og jobs via bioøkonomi
Michael Bech Michael Bech
CEO, Nordic Aquaculture Consult ApS Keywords: Project, Innovation and technology development of land-based recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS), 30 years' experience in aquaculture including hands on as hatchery manager, PhD in marine biology and 20 years with focus on RAS
Mickey Gjerris Mickey Gjerris
Associate Professor, Science KU Keywords: Ethics, Ethics aspects of human use of nature, Animal ethics, Philosophy of nature, Philosophy of science, Animal philosophy
Mikael Agerlin Petersen Mikael Agerlin Petersen
Associate Professor, Science KU Keywords: Off flavour in fish, analysis of volatile organic compounds, GC-MS analysis, GC-olfactometry, Multivariate data treatment
Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia
Associate Professor, DTU Bioengineering Keywords: Molecular microbial ecology, Microbiome engineering, Aquaculture microbiomes, Probiotics, Specialized metabolism, 'Omics', Synthetic communities, Microbial interactions, Novel cultivation approaches
Mikkel Detz
RAS Specialist, BioMar A/S Keywords: RAS, Trout farming, Sea cage farming, P-reduction, Fish feed

Mikkel Stage

Teamleader, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Keywords: Aquaculture
Morten Limborg Morten Limborg
Associate Professor, Sund KU Keywords: Fish health, Fish microbiomes, Host - microbe interactions, Evolution, Hologenomics, Genomics, Metagenomics, Microbiomes, Multi-omics 
Morten Møller Klausen Morten Møller Klausen
Head of Research and Consulting, Ultraaqua A/S Keywords: Disease control; Off-flavor control; Water treatment; UV disinfection; UV oxidation; Mathematical modelling; Lab-, pilot- and full-scale investigations
Morten Schiøtt Morten Schiøtt
Senior Researcher, DTU Aqua Keywords: Crustacean diseases, Microbiomes, Immunology, eDNA, Virology, Molecular biology, Diagnostics, Genomics, Zoology 
Nana Thorringer Nana Thorringer
Animal Nutritionist, Unibio A/S Keywords: Fish nutrition, Ingredients, Processing, Digestibility, Passage rate
Nans Liv Nielsen
Sales Manager, Aquaculture, Water treatment, Oxymat A/S  Keywords: Aquaculture (onshore, offshore, wellboats), Ozon production, Water treatment, Oxygen generators

Natacha Leininger Severin

PhD Student,
Sund KU 
Keywords: Fish pathology, Parasitology, Zoonotic parasites, Sustainable aquaculture, Histopathology, Veterinary medicine, Aquatic pathobiology
Niccolo Vendramin Niccoló Vendramin
Senior Researcher, DTU Aqua Keywords: Disease control, Disease prevention, Diagnostics, Co-infection, Emerging diseases, Animal health legislation, Design of experimental challenge models, Virology

Nicklas Wallbom

Phd Student, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg Keywords:Aquaculture, Fish, Physiology, Food security, Marine biology, Cardiorespiratory physiology, Vaccination, Growth, Osmoregulation, Microsurgery 
Nicolaj Lindeborgh
Biologist, Dyrenes Beskyttelse / Animal Protection Denmark Keywords: Fish welfare, Organic production, Low trophic production

Nicole Posth

Assistant Professor, KU Science Keywords: Aquatic biogeochemistry, Plastic pollution, Microbial element cycling, Geo(micro)biology, Microbial ecology

Niels Henrik Henriksen

Veterinarian, Dansk Akvakultur Keywords: Fis diseases, Diseases prevention and control, Fish welfare, Off-flavour, Food safety,
Niels Hjermitslev
Senior Scientist, BioMar A/S Keywords: Aquaculture feed oxidation, Fish pigmentation, Aquafeed process technology, Aquaculture nutrition and process technology
Niels Jørgen Olesen Niels Jørgen Olesen
Emeritus professor, KU Aqua Keywords: Aquatic animal health, Virology, Microbiology, Pathology, Epidemiology, Diagnostics, Fish and shellfish diseases
Niels Lorenzen Niels Lorenzen
Professor, DTU Aqua Keywords: Vaccine development and testing, Host pathogen interactions, Cell culture technology, Antibody production, Immunoassays, Molecular biology, Vaccinology, Immunology, Virology, Bacteriology
Niels O. G. Jørgensen Niels O. G. Jørgensen
Emeritius, Science KU Keywords RAS, Microbiology, Off-flavours, Geosmin, Cyanobacterial toxins
Panos Kalatzis
Panos Kalatzis
Regional Manager Aquaculture Europe, Adisseo  Keywords: Fish diseases, Fish nutrition, Fish feed, Fish health, In vivo trials, Feed additives, Microbiology, Bacteriophages
Pedro Martinez Noguera Pedro Martinez Noguera
PhD Student, Science KU Keywords: Flavor science, Aroma, Aquaculture, Sustainable food production, Analytical techniques (GC-MS, GC-O-MS, PTR-MS, HPLC-MS), Advanced multivariate analysis, Cross-sectoral interests
Per Dolmer
Per Dolmer

Aquaculture Advisor, 
Blue Research ApS
Keywords: Mussel production, Ecosystem services, RAS, Marine fish farming, Business development, Mussel ecology, Invasive species
Per Juel Hansen Per Juel Hansen
Professor, Science KU Keywords: Harmful algae, Algal toxins, Marine plankton, Aquaculture, Acidification, Culture of marine protist, Experimental work with marine protists, Physiological studies of protists
Per Meyer Jepsen Per Meyer Jepsen
Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Science and Environment, Roskilde University Keywords: Copepods, Live feed, Marine fish larvae, Microalagae
Senior Researcher, DTU Aqua Keywords: Aquaculture of mussel and oysters, Seaweed, Suspended, bottom and mitigation farming, Ecosystem services, Lobsters
Peter Grønkjær Professor, Department of Biology, Aarhus University  Keywords: Fish ecology, Ecophysiology, Isotope chemistry and analysis, Biomineral analysis, Physiological experimentation  
Peter Karlskov-Mortensen
Associate Professor, Sund KU Keywords: Animal breeding, Sustainability, Veterinary medicine, Animal genetics
Philip Haargaard Gyldenkærne Philip Haargaard Gyldenkærne
Biologist, CM Aqua Technologies Aps Keywords: Filtration technology, Decapod aquaculture, New species, Concrete science, Environmental biology

Raju Podduturi

Postdoc, Science KU  Keywords: RAS, Aquatic microbial ecology and Biotechnology, Chemical and Microbial water quality, Chemistry and Microbiology of off-flavors and off-flavors producing bacteria, Sensory quality of cultured fish, Off-flavor mitigation strategies, Headspace/SBSE/SPME-GCMS, DNA/RNA/Enzymes, Sensory analysis, Multivariate data analysis, Chemometrics, Algal pigments and toxins
Rasmus Nielsen Rasmus Nielsen
Associate Professor, Science KU Keywords: Aquaculture economics and management, Sustainable aquaculture production in relation to economics, Environmental boundaries (SDG goals) and Social interaction (jobs, income, food security, poverty alleviation)
Renata Goncalves  Renata Goncalves
PostDoc, DTU Aqua Keywords: Nutrition, Crustaceans, Fish, Larvae, Aquaculture, Digestive enzymes analysis, RNA/DNA analysis, Water quality assessment, Growth performance evaluation, Live feed cultivation
Rikke Bonnichsen
Senior Consultant, Animal welfare, Danish Technological Institute Keywords: Automatic monitoring of fish health and welfare, Animal Science

Rupinder Kaur

Research Assistant, KU Keywords: Microbiome, Hologenome, Studying algal bloom, Ancient genomics and population genetics, Metagenomics, aDNA analysis, Population genetics, Molecular biology techniques and transcriptomics  
Rute da Fonseca Rute da Fonseca
Associate Professor, Sund KU Keywords: Impact of variation of genetic diversity on phenotypes, Population structure of marine organims, The impact of domestication on plant-soil microbiome interactions, Bioinformatics, Comparative genomics, Population genetics
Sanni-Leea Aalto
Senior Researcher, DTU Aqua Keywords: Microbial communities in RAS, H2S production, Nitrogen transformation processes, Biofilms and Biofilters
Simon Svith Andersen
Managing Director, AquaSearch ova ApS Keywords: Temperature tolerance and growth in different environments, Disease resistance (IHN,IPN,BKD,VHS etc), FCR/Growth  and maturation, Market knowledge
Sune Møller

Sune Møller

CTO, Swiss Blue Salmon Keywords: Technology linked to RAS incl. discharge & intake water treatment, Development of salmon & yellowtail kingfish grow-out projects
Susan Holdt Susan L. Holdt 
Associate Professor, DTU Food Keywords: Seaweed, Microalgae, Cultivation, Extraction, Application, Composition, Season, Bioactives
Susanne Knøchel Susanne Knøchel
Professor, Science KU Keywords: Microbiological quality and safety of food and water, Bioprotection, Safe water reuse, Microbiology, Antimicrobial technologies
Søren Laurentius Nielsen Søren Laurentius Nielsen
Senior Advisor, Tænketanken Hav / Ocean Institute Keywords: Sustainable use of the sea, Eutrophication, Nutrients, Seaweeds, Fish feed, Seagrass and seaweed ecology, Microalgae, Eutrophication research 
Søren Nørtoft Olesen
Managing Director, Troutex Aps Keywords: Breeding, Export marketing, Sustainability, Organic production, Commercial mindset, Full value chain
Tanja Charlotte Krogh Sørensen

Dept. Manager, QA & Sustainability, RE:OCEAN Keywords: Sustainability, Water quality, Water treatment, Fish welfare, RAS, Salmon RAS systems, Sustainability food systems 
Teis Boderskov Teis Boderskov
Researcher, Institute for Ecoscience, Aarhus University Keywords: Macroalgae cultivation, Food production, Hatchery management, Nutrient recycling
Tilo Pfalzgraff
PostDoc, DTU Aqua Keywords: Fish physiology, Bioenergetics, Endocrinology, Welfare, Nutrition, Aquaculture
Thine Hahnbak

Thine Hahnbak

Innovation Consultant, Climate Foundation Skive Keywords: Circular Bioeconomy, Sustainable land use, Blue and green biomasses, Regulation
Troels Jacob Hegland Troels Jacob Hegland
Associate Professor, Centre for Blue Governance, Department of Planning, Aalborg University Keywords: Marine governance, Fisheries, Marine planning and management, Qualitative research, Stakeholder interactions, Institutional analysis

Valentina Laura Donati

PostDoc, DTU Aqua Keywords: Fish infectious diseases, Altenative therapies to antibiotics e.g. bacteriophages, Fish health e.g. microbiome, Pathogen characterization e.g. WGS, virulence and AMR
Violetta Aru Violetta Aru
Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Science KU Keywords: Development of sustainable (plant-based) feed; Valorization of side streams from fishery and aquaculture, Nutritional properties of seafood products,  Seafood flavor and aroma; RAS & IMTA, NMR spectroscopy, Multivariate data analysis, 1H NMR-based metabolomics

Xavier Ferrer Florensa

PdD Student, DTU Bioengineering Keywords: Microbiology, Biofilms, Aquaculture, Antibiotics, Genetic Engineering 
Yajiao Duan
PostDoc, Sund KU Keywords: Immunology, Host-pathogen interaction, Aquaculture, Parasitology, Vaccinology, Histopathology, Flow-cytometry, IHC, qPCR, Sequencing 
Yong Zhang
Assistant Professor, Science KU Keywords: Bacterial second messenger, Bacterial stress response, Phage-bacteria interaction